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medical aid


(L'Association Des Mamans et D'enfants Hydrocéphales de Guinée)

Association of Mothers of Children with Hydrocephalus in Guinea is non-profit organization that’s takes care of children with hydrocephalus by providing medical, nutritional, and psychosocial assistance. It also offers support and education to their mothers. 

In addition to providing food supplies, Thee Bee Project provided a fund to cover medical costs for children in need of acute care.

In partnership with the organization Volunteers for Guinea, Thee Bee Project  offered medical supplies to the hospital Donka in Conakry in response to the health crisis from COVID-19


Thee Bee Project participates in helping families in need cover medical costs.


Thee Bee Project also made donations to the maternal ward at Donka, Conakry. Accompanied by Dr. Suzanne Austin, a doctor at the hospital and a genereous contributor, recovering newborns of the New Year were offered blankets, clothes, bathing accessories, and  a variety of hygiene products. Their mothers were offereded various beauty and higyene products, along with a significant envelope and a pamphlet containing information on Breast Cancer.  


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